
UFO あなたは否定できるか

ヘルムート・ラマー,オリヴァー・ジドラ 著,畔上 司訳 1996年発行

UFO あなたは否定できるか


 目 次

第1章 UFO現象はでっち上げか
第2章 物理的痕跡の検証
第3章 誘拐体験者は語る
第4章 恐怖の近距離遭遇
第5章 航空機の目撃証言
第6章 レーダーが捉えた飛行物体
第7章 襲われた軍事基地
第8章 UFO画像の分析
第9章 ロズウェル事件秘話
第10章 ヨーロッパのUFO研究




I Prohleme hei der Erfassnng des UFO-Phanomens

1 Davidson, L.: Flying Saucers: An Analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book, Special Report Nr, 14, White Plains, New York, 1956.
2 Friedman, Stanton T.: Science Fiction, Science, and UFOs, UFORI, P.O.B. 3584, Sta. B, Fredericton, NB E3B5J8, Kanada, 1993.
3 Friedman, Stanton T.: The Secret Life of Donald H. Menzel, International UFO Reporter, Januar/Februar, 1988.
4 Maccabee, Bruce: Scientific Investigations of UFOs, Journal of UFO Studies, Vol. 1, 3, Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, 1977.
5 Lammer, Helmut, und Sidia, Oliver: UFO-Geheimhaltung - Die Hintergriinde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
6 Ludwiger, Illobrand v.: Are Ufos a New Kind of Natural Phenomenon^, MUFON-CES-Bericht Nr. 11, 1993.
7 Sturrock, Peter A.: Report on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO-Problem: Part 1, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, 1994.
8 Sturrock, Peter A.: Report on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO-Problem: Part 2, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, Nr. 2, 1994.
9 Sturrock, Peter A.: Report on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO-Problem: Part 3, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, Stanford University, 1994.
10 Grigor'ev, A. I., Grigor'eva, I. D., and Shiryaeva, S. 0.: Ball Lightning and St. Elmo's Fire as Forms of Thunderstorm Activity, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, Stanford University, 1991.
11 Grigor'ev, A. I., Grigor'eva, I. D., and Shiryaeva, S. 0.: Ball Lightning Penetration into Closed Rooms: 43 Eyewitness Accounts, Vol. 6,
Nr. 3, Stanford University, 1992.
12 Stummer, Oliver, und Schroter, Daniela: Konzept zur Untersuchung ungewohnHcher atmospharischer Leuchtprozesse im Raum Osterreich - cine geophysikalische Annaherung, Komodiengasse 3/21, A-
1020 Wien, 1995.
13 Ludwiger, Illobrand v.: Der Stand der UFO-Forschung, Frankfurt, Zweitausendeins, 1992.
14 Rutledge, Harley D.: Project Identification. The First Scientific Field Study of UFO Phenomena, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.
15 Persinger, Michael A.: The Tectonic Strain Theory. Theory as an Exploration for UFO Phenomena. A Non-Technical Review of the Research 1970-1990, Journal of UFO Studies, Center for UFO Studies, CUFOS, Chicago, 1990.
16 Devereux, Paul: The Earth Lights. Approach to the UFO Problem, Journal of UFO Studies, Center for UFO Studies, CUFOS, 1990.
17 Blackmore, Susan: Alien Abduction: The Inside Story, New Scientist, Nr. 1952, 19. November 1994.
18 Rudkowski, Chris A.: Critical Comments about Earth Lights and the T.5.r, Journal of UFO Studies, CUFOS, 1990.
19 Rutledge, Harley D.: Project Identification: Thirteen Years and One Hundred and Sixty Sightings Later, UFOs Beyond the Mainstream of Sciences, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Michigan State University, 1986.
20 Project Starlight International, P.O. Box 5310, Austin, Texas, 78763.
21 Kaarbo, M.: Heesdalen Update, UFO Brigantia, West Yorkshire, England, Marz, 1995.
22 Dane, Abe: Flying Saucers: The Real Story, Popular Mechanics, Januar, 1995.
23 Eye in the Sky Combines Stealth and Atamina, Popular Mechanics, Januar, 1995.
24 Smith, Willy: Why Do UFOs Have Lights^ MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 299, Marz 1993.
25 Phillips, Ted: Close Encounters of the Second Kind: Physical Traces, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981.
26 Bounias, Michel C. L.: Biochemical Traumatology as a Potent Tool for Identifying Actual Stresses Elicited by Unidentified Sources: Evidence for Plant Metapolic Disorders in Con-elation with a UFO-Landing, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, Stanford
University, 1990.
27 Maccabee, Bruce: Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, 1994.
28 Bloecher, Ted, and Webb, David: HUMCAT-(Humanoid Catalogne). Mutual UFO Network, MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd, Se-
guin, Texas, USA, 1979.
29 Ashpole, Edward: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Blandford Press, London, 1990.
30 Davis, John: Searching/or Alien Earth, New Scientist, Nr. 1977, 13.
Mat 1995.
31 Swords, Michael D.: Modern Biology and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, UFOs the Big Picture, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois, 1991.
32 DeWitt, Bryce, and Netll, Graham: The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press, 1973.
33 Davis, Paul: Wormholes and Time Machines, Sky & Telescope, 20-23, 1992.
34 Hynek, Alien J., and Vallee, Jacques: The Edge of Reality, Regnery Press, Chicago, 1975.
35 Michel, Aime: Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, Criterian Books, New York, 1958.
36 Druffel, Ann: Southern California's Straight-Line Mystery in UFO Sightings, UFOs - a Scientific Challenge, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Pasadena, California, 1983.
37 Laibow, Rima E.: Experienced Anomalous Trauma: New Directions, UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Upon Society, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Pensacola, Florida, 1990.
38 Vallee, Jacques: Confrontations, Ballantine Books, Toronto, Canada, 1990.
39 Huneeus, Antonio: The Strange Case of Army Corporal Valdes, UFO Universe, Winter, 1993.
40 Johnson, Jerold R.: Widening the Net, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr.299, Marz 1993.

II Physikalische Spnren

1 Campbell, James: UFO Interference with Vehicles, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1981.
2 Rodeghier, Mark: UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, a Catalogue and Analysis, CUFOS, 1981.
3 Pallas, Geoffrey: Vehicle Interference Project, BUFORA, 1979.
4 Johnson, Donald: UFO Car Pursuits: Some New Patterns in Old Data, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1989.
5 Ludwiger, Illobrand v.: Untersuchungen an Landeplatzen, edition q, Berlin, 1995.
6 Phillips, Ted: Close Encounters of the Second Kind: Physical Traces, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1981.
7 Velasco, Jean Jacques: Report on the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO Case, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 1990.
8 Bounias, Michel C. L.: Biochemical Traumatology as a Potent Tool for Identifying Actual Stresses Elicited by Unidentified Sources: Evidence for Plant Metabolic Disorders in Correlation with a UFO Landing, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 1990.
9 Knapp, George: What the Russians Know About UFOs, Mufon Symposium Proceedings, 1994.

Ill UFO-Nahbegegnnngen der 4. Art

1 Lammer, Helmut, und Sidia, Oliver: UFO-Geheimhaltung, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
2 Smith, Yvonne: Anatomy of an Abduction^ MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1984.
3 Bullard, Thomas: The Overstated Dangers of Hypnosis, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
4 Bullard, Thomas: Hypnosis and UFO Abductions: A Troubled Relationship,Journal of UFO Studies, 1989.
5 Webb, David: The Use of Hypnosis in Abduction Cases, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
6 Farthing, G. W.: The Psychology of Consciousness, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
7 Apelle, Stuart: Hypnosis and the Accuracy of Abduction Memory, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
8 Kommentar von John Carpenter: Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995, S.210.
9 Truncale, Deborah: Alien/UFO Experiences of Children, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
10 Hop kins, Budd: The Hopkins Image Recognition Test for Children, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
11 Dean, Gwen L.: Trauma and Treatment of Children Who Are Alleged Abductees, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
12 Wright, Dan: The Entities: Intitial Findings of the Abduction Transcription Project, Part 1, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 310, Februar 1994.
13 Wright, Dan: The Entities: Intitial Findings of the Abduction Transcription Project, Part 2, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 311, Marz 1994.
14 Ludwiger, Illobrand v.: Der Stand der UFO-Forschung, Zwettausendeins, Frankfurt.
15 Randles, Jenny: An Analysis of British Abduction Cases, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
16 Basterfield, Keith: Abductions: The Australian Experience, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
17 Moura, Gilda: The Abduction Phenomenon in Brazil, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
18 Bullard, Thomas: The Influence of Investigators on UFO Abduction Reports, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
19 Hall, Richard: Are UFO Abductions a Universal or a Culturally Dependent Phenomenon?, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
20 Jacobs, David: Secret Life, Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1992.
21 Carpenter, John: Professionals Examining UFO Subjects, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 310, Februar 1994.
22 Spanos, Nicholas, Cross, Patricia, Dickson, Kriby, DuBreuil, Susan: Close Encounters: An Examination of UFO Experiences, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, November 1993.
23 Ring, Kenneth and Rosing, Christopher: The Omega Project: A Psychological Survey of Persons Reporting Abductions and Other UFO Encounters, Journal of UFO Studies, Nr. 2, 1990.
24 Streubel, Siegfried: An Application of Rorschach Tests to Possible UFO Abductees, MUFON-CES Report, Nr. 11, 1993.
25 Laibow, Rima: Some Clinical Considerations Pertaining to UFO Abduction Reports, MUFON-CES Report 11, 1993.
26 Easter-field, Keith: Fantasy-Prone Personality Hypothesis, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 309,Januar 1994.
27 Rodeghier, Mark, Goodpaster, J., Blatterbauer, S.: Psychosocial Characteristics ofAbductees: Results from the CUFOS Abduction Project Journal of UFO Studies, Nr. 3, 1990.
28 Hall, Robert: Are Abduction Reports >>Mass Hysteria^?, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference, North Cambridge Press, Massachusetts, 1995.
29 Budden, Albert: Allergies and Aliens - The Visitation Experience: An
Environmental Health Issue, Redwood Books, Wiltshire, 1994.

IV Die Schattenseite des UFO-Phanomens

1 Johnson, Gerold R.: Widening the Net, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 299, Marz 1993.
2 Schwarz, Berthold E.: UFO Dynamics-Psychiatric and Psychic Aspects of the UFO Syndrome, Rainbow Books, Moore Haven, Florida, 1988.
3 Schuessler, John F.: UFOs: The Medical and Scientific Evidence II, Quest UFO-Magazine, Vol. 12, Nr. 6, Januar/Februar 1994.
4 Legh-Johnes, Alison: Other Peoples Lives: The Story of this Man, a Flying Saucer and the Vacuum Cleaner, Woman, 1. Marz 1993.
5 Personliche Mitteilung von Ken Phillips (BUFORA) an die Autoren, 1994.
6 UFOs, Gehelmnisse des Unbekanmen, Time-Life Bucher, 1988.
7 Schuessler, John F.: UFOs: The Medical and Scientific Evidence I, Quest UFO-Magazine, Vol. 12, Nr. 5, November/Dezember 1993.
8 Betty Cash et al. vs. United States of America, Civil Action No. H84348, Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Division, United States District Court Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, 30. August 1985.
9 Schuessler, John F.: Cash-Landrum Case: Speculation About the Medical
Effects, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas, Juli 1984.
10 Betty Cash et al. vs. United States of America, Civil Action No. H84348, Memorandum in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss and/or for Summary Judgement, United States District Court Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, 1985.
11 The Cash-Landrum File, Civil Action No. H84 348, Quest Publications
International LTD, P.O. Box 2, Grassington, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 5UY, England.
12 Good, Timothy: Above Top Secret - The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up, Grafton, London, 1988, (deutsch: Das geheime UFO-Wissen der Regierungen, Zweitausendetns, Frankfurt, 1993).
13 UFOs so rund wie Untertassen - Die Welt des Unerklarlichen, Weltbild Verlag GmbH, Augsburg, 1992.
14 Vallee, Jacques: Confrontations - A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, Ballantine Books, New York, 1990.
15 Schuessler, John F., and O'Herin, Edward F.: Truck Driver Injured by UFO: The Eddy Doyle Webb Case, Ufology, the Emergence of a New Science, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Richmond, Virginia, Juli 1993.
16 Pratt Robert: Letters from Brazil, MUFON UFO-Journal, August 1987.
17 Vallee, Jacques: Recent Field Investigations into Claims of UFO Related Injuries in Brazil, The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy?, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1989.
18 Memorandum der Brasllianischen Luftwaffe, 1973.
19 Lammer, Helmut, und Sidia, Oliver: UFO-Geheimhaltang - Die Hintergriinde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
20 Pohl, Robert W.: Optik und Atomphysik, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1976.
21 Ludwiger, Illobrand v.: Der Stand der UFO-Forschung, Frankfurt, Zweitausendeins, 1992.
22 Budden, Albert: Allergies and Aliens - The Visitation Experience: An
Environmental Health Issue, Discovery Times Press, Redwood Books, 1994.
23 World Health Organisation: Environmental Health Criteria 137, Electromagnetic Fields (300 Hz to 300 MHz), 1993.
24 Budden, Albert: Aliens, Electricity 6- Allergies, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 322, Februar 1995.
25 Government/Military: John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-lethal Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 24. Januar 1994.
26 Victorian, Armen: Non-lethality: John Alexander, the Pentagon's Penguin, Lobster, Nr. 25,Juni, 1993.
27 The Wall Street Journal, 4. Januar 1993.
28 Wilson, George: US Drone Crashes on Salvador Spy Mission, The Guardian, 25. August 1995.

V UFO-Nahbegegnungen mit Flugzeugen

1 Haines, Richard F.: A Review of Selected Aerial Phenomenon Sightings from Aircraft from 1942 to 1952, UFOs: A Scientific Challenge, MUFON 1983 UFO Symposium Proceedings, Juli 1983.
2 Birdsall, Mark I.: Ghost Rockets and Too Fighters - UFOs over Europe
1943-48, Quest International, 66 Boroughate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.
3 Foo Fighters - Important Documents on Too Fighter Reports Acquired by USA Group, UFO-Magazine, 11, 4, September/Oktober, 1992.
4 Lammer, Helmut, und Oliver, Sidia: UFO-Geheimhaltung - Die Hintergriinde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
5 UFO-Dokument der Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), uber den UFO-Zwischenfall im Iran, 20. September 1976.
6 Regehr, Ronald S.: Do Our Spy Satellites See UFOs?, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 312, April 1994.
7 Haines, Richard F.: Fifty-six Aircraft Pilot Sightings Involving Electromagnetic Effects, The Ultimate Mystery of the Millennia, MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Juli 1992.
8 Haines, Richard F.: Insights from Studying Groups of UFOs, Ufology: A Historical Perspective, MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Juli 1994.
9 Pilot Encounters, UFO-Magazine, Januar/Februar 1995, Quest International, 66 Boroughate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.
10 Randies, Jenny: The UFO Conspiracy - The First Forty Years, Bland-
ford Press, 1988.
11 Ramirez, Alfonso J.: UFO Intercepts Aircraft over Paraguay, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 310, Februar 1994.
12 Maccabee, Bruce; Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed off the Coast of New Zealand, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1, Nr. 2. 149-190, 1987.
13 Flight JAL 1628-UFO Intercept Over Alaska, Quest International, 66 Boroughate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.
14 Brand, Illo: Das Ultimate Secret - Die US-Regierung weifi seit 40 Jahren, was UFOs sind, MUFON-CES Bericht Nr. 10, 1989.
15 Dokument der 6947. Security Squadron, das den Funkverkehr zweier kubanischer Mig-21-Piloten wiedergibt.
16 Altshuler, John H.: An Unusual Case That Doesn't Fit, Alien Discussions, Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference held at M.I.T, Cambridge, MA, 1994.
17 The Official Report on the Case of Frederick Valentich, Oktober 1978.
18 Good, Timothy: Above Top Secret - The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up, Grafton, London, 1988.

VI UFOs und Radar

1 Trevett, William: Imaging Radar for Resources Surveys, Chapmann and Hall, 1986.
2 Schlenker, Eckhart: Funkmefiengel, UFOs und andere Phanomene, Funk, 3/1994.
3 Brown, Stuart F.: The Secret Ship, Popular Science, Oktober 1993.
4 Lammer, Helmut, und Sidia, Oliver: UFO-Geheimhaltung - Die Hintergrilnde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
5 Haines, Richard: Fifty-Six Aircraft Pilot Sightings Involving Electromagnetic Effects, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1992.
6 Hynek, Alien: The Hynek UFO-Report, Dell Publishing, 1977.
7 The Condon Report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Bantam Books, New York, 1969.
8 Ramirez, Alfonso: UFO Intercepts Aircraft over Paraguay, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr. 310, Februar 1994.
9 Haas, U. (Pseudonym): Nichtidentifizierhare Radarechos und visuelle Sichtungen unbekannter Flugobjekte, UFOs - Zeugen und Zeichen, Illobrand v. Ludwiger, edition q, Berlin, 1995.
10 Petit, Jean-Pierre: Has Science Something To Do With UFOs?, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1991.
11 Meessen, August: UFOs iiber Belgien und Forschungsansdtze, UFOs - Zeugen und Zeichen, Illobrand v. Ludwiger, edition q, Berlin, 1995.

VII Militarische UFO-Nahbegegnungen

1 Fawcett, Lawrence, and Greenwood, Barry J.: The UFO Cover-Up, Simon &; Schuster, New York, 1992.
2 USAF Memorandum von General C. Bolender, 20. Oktober, 1969.
3 Lammer, Helmut, und Oliver, Sidia: UFO-Geheimhaltung - Die Hintergriinde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Munchen, 1995.
4 Redfern, Nick: UFOs and the Military, Quest-UFO Magazine, November/Dezember 1994.
5 Air Intelligence Information Report IR-4-58, 18. Marz 1958.
6 Good, Timothy: The National Security Agency, Above Top Secret - The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up, Grafton, London, 1988, (deutsch: Das geheime UFO-Wissen der Regierungen, Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt, 1993).
7 Gersten, Peter A.: What the Government Would Know About UFOs if They Read Their Own Documents, The Hidden Evidence, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981.
8 Hunter Incident: Department of the Army, Serious Incident Report, September 1973.
9 Cannon Air Force Base Incident: National Military Command Center Memorandum for the Record, signed by Rear Admiral J. B. Morin,21.Januar 1975.
10 Fort Richie Incident: National Military Command Center Memorandum for the Record, signed by Brigadier General L. J. LeBlanc Jr., U.S.M.C..30.Julil976.
11 U.S. Reports Visits of UFOs to Bases, Washington Post, 19. Januar 1979.
12 Fawcett, Lawrence, and Greenwood, Barry J.: Clear Intent, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1984.
13 Official Government UFO Intelligence Papers, Document Package 11, Quest Publications International LTD, 1st Floor, 66 Boroughgate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.
14 U.S.A.F. Memorandum iiber den Abfangversuch eines UFOs, unter-schrieben von Paul J. Cahill Jr. SSgt, U.S.A.F. Wing Historian, 18. Januar 1979.
15 North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Logbuch. Senior Director, 24. NORAD-Region, 8. November 1975.
16 Satchell, Michael: UFOs vs USAF, Amazing Encounters, Parade Magazine, 10. Dezember 1978.
17 Randies, Jenny: From Out of the Blue - The Incredible UFO Cover-Up at Bentwaters NATO Air Base, Global Communications, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, 1991.
18 Personliches Gesprach mit Jenny Randies bei der BUFORA UFO-Konferenz in Sheffield, England, 19-20. August 1995.
19 Butler, Brenda, Street, Dot, and Randies, Jenny: Sky Crash - Why Are They Keeping it Secret?, Spearman, Sudbury.
20 Birdsall, Graham: Randlesham, Quest UFO-Magazine, Januar/Februar 1995.
21 The Halt Tape, UFO Landing at RAF Woodbridge, 1980, Official Transcript, Quest Publications International LTD, 1st Floor, 66 Boroughgate, Otiey near Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.
22 Greenwood, Barry J.: UFO-Secrecy 1984 - Big Brother Is Watching Them, Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a Public Forum, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas, 1984.
23 Halt, Charles: U.S.A.F. Memorandum, Department of the Air Force, Headquarters 81st Combat Support Group (U.S.A.F.C.) APO New York, 13.Januarl981.
24 Warzinski, Victor L.: Brief an Mark I. Birdsall, Department of the Air Force, Headquarters 81st Combat Support Group (U.S.A.F.C.) APO New York, 2. Oktober 1984.
25 How a Bug-Eyed Alien Greeted Air Chief, News of the World, 6. November 1983.
26 Moore, Robert: The Rendlesham Forest Incident: An Extraordinary Solution?, 22.Juni 1987.
27 Rendlesham Revisited - Documents from the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing, U.S.A.F., Quest Publications International LTD, 1st Floor, 66 Boroughgate, Otiey near Leeds, LS21 1AE, England.

VIII Fotoanalyse von UFO-Aufnahmen

1 Schroder, Gottfried: Technische Fotografie, Vogel Verlag, Wurzburg 1981.
2 Sainio, Jeffrey: Video Analysis, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1993.
3 Haberacker, Peter: Digitale Bildverarbeitung, Grundlagen und Anwendungen, Hanser Studienbiicher, 1987.
4 Gonzales, Winz: Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1987.
5 Walters Ed, Walters Francis: UFO Abductions in Gulf Breeze, Avon Books, 1994.
6 Maccabee, Bruce: Analysis and Discussion of the May 18, 1992 UFO Sighting, Florida, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1 Nr. 3 1993.
7 Maccabee, Bruce: Gulf Breeze UFO Photo Analyzed, MUFON UFO Journal Nr. 314, Juni 1994.
8 Maccabee, Bruce, Sainio, Jeffrey: Cruise Missile UFO Disappears, MUFON UFO-Journal Nr. 308, Dezember 1993.
9 Sainio, Jeffrey: Photo Analysis: A Pictorial Primer, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1992.
10 Haines, Richard, Vallee, Jacques: Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica, Society for Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 1989.
11 Guerin, Pierre: A Scientific Analysis of Four Photographs of a Flying Disc Near Lac Chaiivet (France), Journal of Scientific Exploration,
12 Maccabee, Bruce: Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed off the Coast of New Zealand, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 1987.
13 Carlotto, Mark J.: Digital Video Analysis of Anomalous Space Objects,Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 1995.
14 Wieder, Irwin: Report of Referee on ^Digital Analysis of Anomalous Space Objects, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 1995.
15 Kasher, Jack: A Scientific Analysis of the Videotape Taken by Space Shuttle Discovery on Shuttle Flight STS-48, MUFON Symposium Proceedings, 1994.

IX Roswell Update

1 Lammer, Helmut, und Oliver, Sidia: UFO-Geheimhaltung - Die Hintergriinde des weltweiten Komplotts, Herbig, Miinchen, 1995.
2 Report of Air Force Research Regarding the Roswell Incident, Air Force Public Affairs, Media Relations Division, 1690AF Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1690, Jull 1994.
3 Pflock, Karl T.: Roswell in Perspective, Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), P.O. Box 277, Mount Rainer, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
4 Randle, Kevin: Mogul Ballon Update, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr.323.Marz 1995.
5 Randle, Kevin: Roswell UFO Crash Update - Exposing the Military Cover-Up of the Century, Global Communications, P.O. Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, U.S.A., 1995.
6 Pflock, Karl T.: More on Mogul 6- Roswell, MUFON UFO-Journal, Nr.326,1995.
7 News Release: U.S. Congressman Steve Schiff, First Congressional District, Washington Office: 2404 Rayburn Building Washington, D.C. 20515, Roswell Report, 28. Juli 1995.
8 Lindemann, Michael: UFOs and the Alien Presence - Six Viewpoints, The 2020 Group-Visitors Investigation Project, Santa Barbara, California, 1991.
9 Weiner, Tim: Blank Check - The Pentagon's Black Budget, New York, Warner Books, 1991.
10 Roswell - The Missing Link?, UFO-Magazine, Quest International, 66 Boroughgate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England, Marz/April 1995.
11 Mantle, Philip: An Interview with Ray Santilli, UFOs: Examining the Evidence, The Proceedings of the 8th BUFORA International UFO Congress, 1 Woodhall Drive, Badey, West Yorkshire, WF17 7SW, England, 1995.
12 Kent, Jeffrey: The Purported 1947 Roswell Film, MUFON UFO Journal, Nr.326.Juni 1995.
13 Birdsall, Graham W.: The Alleged Roswell Archive Film, UFO-Magazine, Quest International, 66 Boroughgate, Otiey, Leeds, LS21 1AE, England, Marz/April 1995.
14 Friedman, Stanton, und Berliner, Don: Der UFO-Absturz bei Corona, Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg, 1995.
15 FBI-Memorandum von Agent Fitch, E. G., in dem der FBI-Direktor J. Edgar Hoover von mehreren geborgenen Scheiben schreibt, 7. Oktober 1947.
16 Lammer, Helmut: Atmospheric Evolution on Mars and the Consequence for the Cydonian Hypothesis, The 8th BUFORA International UFO Congress, 20. August 1995.
17 Shell, Bob: Analysis of the Alleged Roswell Footage, August 1995.
18 Vaughan, Wynne-Jones: AutoRsie Phone Is Not the 1956 Phone!, Internet, 4. November 1995.

X UFO-Forschung im deiitschen Sprachraum

1 Schneider, Wolf: Unsere tagliche Desinformation: Wie die Massenmedien uns in die Irre fnhreny Gruner & Jahr, Hamburg, 1984.
2 Cohen, B. C.: The Press and Foreign Policy, Princeton, 1963.
3 Swoboda, Norbert: Info fiir den Uberzeugten, Kleine Zettung, 9. April 1995.
4 Brand, Illo: Unerwilnschte Entdeckungen im Luftraum, MUFON-CES-Bericht Nr. 10, 1989.
5 Sagan, Carl: Von UFOs, Orakein und rechnenden Pferden, Reader's Digest, September 1979.
6 Blackmore, Susan: Alien Abduction: The Inside Story, New Scientist, Nr. 1952, 19. November 1994.
7 Nagaitis, Carl, and Mantle, Philip: Without Consent - A Comprehensive Survey of Missing-Time and Abduction Phenomena in the UK, Ringbull Press, London, 1994.
8 Stacy, Dennis: The UFO Press, MUFON UFO Journal, Nr. 321, Januar 1995.
9 Spanos, Nicholas P.: Journal Abnormal Psychology, 102, 624, 1994.
10 Campbell, S.: Magnetic Encounters, Letters to the Editor, New Scientist, Nr. 1955, 10. Dezember 1994.
11 Powell, R.: Magnetic Encounters, Letters to the Editor, New Scientist, Nr. 1955, 10. Dezember 1994.
12 Turner, B. P.: Magnetic Encounters, Letters to the Editor, New Scientist, Nr. 1955, 10. Dezember 1994.
13 Davenas, E.: Nature, Vol. 333, Juni 1988.
14 Brand, Illo: Randgebiete der Wissenschaft und ihre Interpretation durch die Wissenschafts-Joumalisten und Zetetiker, Unerwunschte Entdeckungen im Luftraum, MUFON-CES-Bericht, Nr. 10, 1989.
15 Walter, Werner: CENAP-Report, Mannheim, Deutschland, Januar/Februar 1995.
16 Walter, Werner: UFOs am Rande der Wirklichkeit^, Sterne und Weltraum, 8. September 1993.
17 Walter, Werner: Journal fiir UFO-Forschung, GEP, Januar/Februar, 1990.
18 Erstaunliche UEO-Dokumente auf Video!, Magazin 2000, Magazin fur Neues Bewufitsein, Nr. 97, Seite 71, Dezember 1993/Januar 1994.
19 Classified Advertisement, Seite 34, UFO-Magazine, Quest International, Juli/August 1993.
20 Walter, Werner: Ab m den IFO-Ordner, CENAP-Report, Nr. 219, Oktober/November 1994.
21 Greifswald-UFOs waren nur NVA-Leuchtbomben, BILD, 29. Oktober 1994.
22 Peininger, Hans-Werner: Greifswald-UFOs identifiziert^ Journal fur UFO-Forschung, Nr. 96, 6, 1994.
23 Kiefiline, (Hauptmann): Brief vom Luftwaffenamt an einen MUFON-CES Kollegen, Koln, 15. Marz 1995.
24 Henke, Rudolf: Journal fur UFO-Forschung, GEP, Januar/Februar 1990.
25 Henke. Rudolf: Brief an Illo Brand, 3. Oktober 1987.
26 Henke, Rudolf: Henke bei CENAP ausgetreten, Journal fur UFO-Forschung, 4/1993.
27 The Explorer, Newsletter of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 11,1&2,1995.
28 Haisch, Bernhard: Profile, The Explorer, Newsletter of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 11, 1&2, 1995.
29 Alexander, John B.: Psychics and Weapons, Scientific American, Juli 1994.
30 Alexander, John B.: Government/Military, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 24. Januar, 1994.


「レーダー捕捉UFO事例の研究」 「未確認飛行物体に関する報告」 「コンドン報告第1巻」
「ブルーブックケースファイル」 「米下院UFOシンポジウム」 「コンドン報告第3巻」
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